

Fortune-tellers are charlatans who thrive on people's credulity. More often than not their predictions never come true and they turn out to be a fraud. Here you can read examples of predictions which never came true.



1º A

Leidy's friend: "In two months Belén Esteban will stop appearing on TV." (Now she's everywhere at every time.)

Jorge's mum: "I will learn to work with a computer." (She sitll doesn't know how to use it.)

Papa Smurf: "One day we will grow and be very big creatures." (They have not grown an inch yet.)

" We monkeys will never be any cleverer than we are now." (A monkey, before it became a human, two thousand million years ago)

Soraya's mum: "I will never have any children." (Now she's got four)

Laura's friend: "I'll never have a tattoo." (She's got six now)

Laura's friend?

Estefanía's cousin:" One day I will be a great veterinary and I'll have a big house with lots of animals." (Now her cosuins is an irresponsible teenager who wants to leave school...)

"Man will never reach the Moon." (People in the 50s. Man reached the Moon in 1969)

Jesica's friend: "I will spend the rest of my life with my boyfriend." (They bkoke up a month later)

Tío Pepe: "Cars will fly." (no comment)

Laura's (Palao) friend: " You won't finsh your degree." (Laura  successfully finsihed her degree in Tourism)

Natalia's mum:" I'll never have a pet again." (Now she's got a dog and two cats.)

Widely believed before the 2008 elections:" There won't be a black in The White House." (Obama is  the current President of USA)

Almudena's father: "I will be a good football player and  will score as many goals as Alfredo Di Stefano." (He's an electrician)

Diana's father: "Real Madrid will beat Barcelona 3-0". (Barcelona beat Real Madrid 5-0)

"In 2005 dinosaurs will populate the Earth again." (Andrea, future sign language interpreter)

Virginia's (del Pico) brother:"I will never study Maths." (Now he's studying Maths at university)

Patricia: "I will never put on heels." (She often wears high-heel shoes)
a high-heeled shoe

A dinosaur to another dinosaur: "We will never disappear."

Coral's dad: "My son will be a policeman." (He's a teacher, actually)

Paulas' father: " When I grow up I'll be a pilot." (He works as an economist.)

Rebeca's mum: "By the year 2010 ants will rule the world."  (these poor insects are still in their antholes)

Joseph (a carpenter in Entrevías):"Who will want to buy furniture you have to assemble yourself?" ( About IKEA products)

IKEA furniture

1º B

People from Madrid:"The 2016 Olympics will be held in Madrid." (They will be held in Río de Janeiro)

Some people in Spain:" Spain won't win the World Cup." (They won!)

The weather man:"It will snow candy floss." ( It snowed snowflakes, as usual)

Candy floss

"People won't use cars because they pollute so much." (People keep using their cars to go everywhere)

"This year the King will fall asleep during his traditional King's Christmas Message" (Actually, the King was wide awake.)

Irene's mother:"The  Internet won't be used by anyone." (Nowadays hardly anyone can do without it.)

Jaime's friend: "In a near future animals will talk." (Of cousre they haven't so far)

Karmele Marchante: "My song is great and it will win Eurovisión". (Her song was not shorlisted)

Chus's friend: "Tarantino won't make any good films". (Now he's a highly respected director)

Karmele Marchante: " Belén Esteban won't become a celebrity and won't see much of her  on TV." (What can we say about that?)

The weather man: "This winter it will snow in Madrid." (it didn't)

Nina: "I'll never get married. It's something stupid and useless!" (She married at 23)

Some engineers: "The year 2000 effect will bring us problems with our computers and planes." (In 2000 nothing at all went wrong)

Pat Robertson (a famous TV preacher): "The world will come to an end in 1982." (2010 and we are still waiting...)

Maradona:" Spain won't kmake it to the semifinals." (Spain won the World Cup)

"We don't like their sound, and their music will last four days." (Decca Recording Company, rejecting the Beatles, 1962)

"Sign interpreters won't make much money." (Actually, there are interpreters who earn a good salary)

Patricia's grandfather: "The man will never reach the Moon". (on 20 July man set foot on the Moon.)


Listen to these kids making some New Year's resolutions. Can you find out the word in the blanks?

( "gonna " is a very colloquial form of going to)
1- This year I’m gonna (1) spend more time with my kids.
2- I’m gonna (2) stop gossiping; Did you see what she (3) was wearing?;I know!
3- This year I’m gonna (4) join a bikers’ gang.
4- This year I’m gonna (5) control my shopping.
5- This year I’m gonna (6) stop spending six dollars on a (7) cup of coffee
6- I’m going to (8) control my anger. What (9) are you doing? Can’t you see I’m, trying to work here?
7-I’m going to (10) find that special girl. How are you doing?
8- Pick it up!
9- This year I’m going to (11) call my parents more.
10-This year I’m gonna get rid of this pot belly.
11-I’m gonna (12) care more about the (13) environment
12- I’m gonna be a (14) better handyman.
13- This year I’m gonna (15) be my own (16) boss
14- I’m gonna tithe (17) ten per cent of my gross pay.
15- This year I’ll (18) pay off all my debts.
16- I’m gonna (19) go back.to school and get my (20) masters
17- I’m gonna (21) complete a marathon.
18- I’m gonna quit (22) smoking
19- This year I’ll (23) control my road rage.
20- I’m gonna (24) have a daily (25) quiet time. OK maybe a monthly (26) quiet time.

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