

Listen to a Japanese girl talking about her food habits. Then answer the questions.

1- What does she usually have in the morning? "I don't usually have breakfast ....... I normally just buy a coffee and drink it in the office"
2- Where does she usually have lunch and dinner? "I usually have lunch in a restaurant near the office.....and for dinner I eat out a lot too."
3- Give the three reasons why she doesn't often cook. "..I work very late every day,...my kitchen's too small. My boyfriend is a better cook."
4- Does she eat or drink anything unhealthy? "....I drink a lot of coffee  every day. I think I'm addicted to caffeine"
5- Is she cutting down on anything at the moment? Why (not)? "No, I eat healthily and I do exercise regularly, so I don't need to cut down on food."
6- Does she think the people's diets in her country are getting better or getting worse? "Oh, probably worse"
7- Give the reasons why she enjoys this westernization of the diet in Japan. "..there are more different kinds of food and restaurants now,I enjoy the variety, it makes eating out much more fun."

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this blog, this is one of the best blogs that I have read on food habits and how it can do wonders in body transformation. Visit HOW QUANTITATIVE FOOD HABITS CAN DO WONDERS IN BODY TRANSFORMATION
